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Unpacking AnthologyAI Data Methodology: How Multidimensional Consumer Insights Drive Decision Intelligence

September 4, 2024

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to turn vast amounts of data into actionable insights is not just advantageous—it's essential. Enterprises are inundated with consumer data, yet transforming this data into meaningful strategies often remains elusive. That’s where AnthologyAI steps in, pioneering a new era of consumer intelligence that promises to reshape how businesses understand and engage with their audience.

In this article, we’ll explore the existing challenges in consumer intelligence, discuss AnthologyAI’s unique approach, and demonstrate how its multifaceted data solutions can empower your business strategy.

Limitations in the Current Consumer Intelligence Landscape

Despite the abundance of consumer data available, significant gaps persist in the current consumer intelligence landscape. Data is often fragmented, offering only narrow views of consumer behavior. This limitation leaves organizations struggling to craft effective strategies due to incomplete pictures of their customers’ needs and preferences.

Many businesses rely on convenience panels that aggregate spend, location, or retail data from millions of users. However, these sources typically offer only a few parameters per transaction, such as date, amount, and vendor, limiting their usefulness. The slow refresh rates and dated data streams also render insights less actionable.

Biased samples and disparate data sources compound the challenges, hindering the ability to make accurate predictions. Furthermore, traditional consumer data collection often skirts ethical lines, posing significant risks of compliance violations—an unacceptable hazard in an increasingly privacy-conscious world.

Gain Consumer Insights Through Near Real-Time Multi-Dimensional Data

AnthologyAI distinguishes itself by offering unparalleled insights into consumer behavior. By combining artificial intelligence with advanced analytics, we provide organizations with a holistic view that encompasses both historical patterns and future predictions.

  • Ethically Sourced First-Party Data: Our platform sources accurate data directly from consumers and the businesses they interact with. This provides authentic consumer insights free from 3rd-party aggregation bias. Through the Caden app, AnthologyAI collects this data ethically with consumer consent, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and maintaining data integrity.
  • Multidimensional Depth: Unlike other solutions, AnthologyAI leverages datasets that connect billions of multidimensional consumer actions in near real-time. This innovation allows for unmatched decision intelligence and predictive capabilities.
  • Zero Data Dependencies: Our platform eliminates the need for reliance on internal data resources, empowering organizations to create entirely new datasets and enrich existing ones independently. This capability opens up new avenues for insights and strategic growth.
  • One-of-a-Kind Offerings: Our dataset features vertical-specific data, such as Travel, Retail, and Streaming, which is notably challenging to acquire.

How AnthologyAI Ethically Sources 1st-Party Consumer Data

The Caden App

Caden is AnthologyAI’s proprietary consumer application designed to facilitate ethical, real-time data exchange. Users can effortlessly connect their data and earn rewards in exchange for opting in to share their data.

The AnthologyAI Platform

AnthologyAI is the breakthrough Artificial Intelligence Consumer Insights & Predictions Platform. With 10.2 billion semantic relationships, our dataset provides a comprehensive view of consumer behaviors, allowing businesses to query any aspect at any moment.

Through our metrics designed for specific use cases and row level data, businesses with or without internal datasets, can access previously unavailable levels of intelligence about retail, spend, geolocation, media consumption, travel, ride-sharing and more—at scale. 

Unpacking AnthologyAI's Data

What does our data consist of?

  • Demographic Insights: Obtain a deeper understanding of consumer demographics, including age groups, education levels, employment statuses, and more.
  • Transactional Data: Access two years of transactional information from over 13,000 financial institutions, providing a comprehensive overview of consumer spending patterns.
  • Retail Data: Leverage more than a decade's worth of data from major retailers such as Walmart, Target, and Amazon to gain insights into consumer preferences and trends.
  • Geo-Movement Data: Utilize detailed geo-movement data from ride-sharing services like Uber and location tracking data to accurately anticipate consumer movement.
  • Travel Data: Draw on travel insights from popular platforms like Airbnb and travel reward programs to enhance your understanding of consumer lifestyle choices.
  • Streaming Data: Access over five years of media consumption data from Netflix and Amazon Prime Video to predict viewing behaviors.

We continuously expand our data sources within the Caden app to ensure our datasets remain current and relevant. This approach enhances our analytical capabilities, giving customers superior insights into market trends and consumer behavior.

Making the Most of AnthologyAI's Data

AnthologyAI's solutions empower businesses with actionable insights for informed decision-making. By integrating these data-driven approaches, organizations can respond to market dynamics and strategically position themselves for future growth, fostering a more resilient and adaptive business model.


Media companies are grappling with substantial challenges in a fiercely competitive market for consumers' time, attention, and loyalty, all of which are vital for business success. As consumer preferences and behaviors continually evolve, media platforms must stay ahead of emerging trends to maintain relevance. AnthologyAI’s data assists companies in gaining insights into U.S. consumers' content consumption habits and subscription preferences, along with a variety of additional consumer behaviors, helping to uncover trends and opportunities that enhance engagement and conversion throughout the customer lifecycle.


Offering a holistic view of U.S. consumer behavior, AnthologyAI’s data encompasses everything from earning and spending to traveling and viewing habits. Tailored to help retailers comprehend purchasing behavior, AnthologyAI's retail metrics enable businesses to identify opportunities and formulate strategies that drive increased sales.


Whether it’s a quick weekend escape or an extended adventure, AnthologyAI data illuminates where travelers are headed, how they reach their destinations, and how they allocate their time and money while away from home. Designed to provide companies with insights into U.S. travelers, the AnthologyAI travel metrics can reveal trends, pricing opportunities, and personalization strategies that drive greater revenue.

Financial Services 

AnthologyAI equips financial professionals with a deep understanding of the U.S. consumer landscape, including U.S. equities and key economic indicators. This comprehensive consumer dataset enables investors to accurately forecast market trends and optimize their returns. Moreover, economists can leverage this rich information to identify patterns in consumer metrics, facilitating more precise inflation forecasts and assessments of consumer confidence.

AnthologyAI is at the forefront of transforming data into strategic business assets. Organizations can craft strategies that drive growth and innovation by harnessing our ethically sourced, multidimensional consumer data. Whether predicting market trends or creating personalized consumer experiences, AnthologyAI empowers businesses to see beyond the numbers and forge new paths in the competitive landscape.

Partner with AnthologyAI

We work with the most progressive, technology-enabled, ethically-minded corporations who want to rethink how we collect and make decisions from consumer behavioral data. Our platform fulfills hundreds of different use cases. Want to see how we can bring new consumer intelligence to your business? Get in touch with our strategic development team.

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