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Inflation Patterns in Essential Goods: Coca-Cola, Heinz, and Charmin

August 23, 2024

When staple item prices shift, it impacts household budgets and has broader implications for market stability. For professionals, tracking these changes is crucial for predicting future economic conditions and advising business strategies. Understanding why prices shift and stabilize can help refine economic forecasts and consumer behavior models.

Leveraging AnthologyAI's near real-time transaction and retail datasets with over 80,000 connections, we explored inflationary patterns of popular products like Coca-Cola, Heinz, and Charmin at major retailers, Walmart and Target.

Here’s what we’ve discovered.

Inflationary Trends from the Last Year

Since August 2023, inflation has steadily increased for essential household items, reflecting a consistent trend across various products and highlighting broader economic influences. Data indicates that Coca-Cola prices experienced a significant spike starting in August 2023, which began to stabilize in March 2024. Similarly, Heinz faced peak inflation in early 2024. But this was followed by a noticeable price drop in April, coinciding with Walmart and Target's announcement of price cuts. In contrast, Charmin's prices remained relatively stable after seeing an increase in pricing in September 2022, suggesting different market dynamics at play.

Coca-Cola's Inflationary Spike

Coca-Cola's pricing strategy during this period offers valuable insights. Despite other products experiencing price cuts, Coca-Cola maintained its price point. This decision might stem from a few key factors:

  • Product-Specific Demand: Coca-Cola's unwavering demand is critical in its pricing strategy. The brand enjoys strong loyalty, consistently high consumption rates, and a reputation that allows it to weather economic changes better than many.
  • Cost of Goods: Another key factor is the production and distribution costs. For Coca-Cola, these costs may have stayed the same or even risen, leading retailers to keep prices steady to protect their profit margins.

Heinz's Price Decline

Heinz paints a contrasting picture, with prices decreasing sharply in April 2024. This aligns with CNN's report about Walmart and Target implementing price cuts.

Charmin's Consistent Pricing

Unlike Coca-Cola and Heinz, Charmin's prices remained relatively stable, reflecting distinct market dynamics. Here are a few reasons why Charmin's pricing strategy might diverge:

  • Brand Loyalty and Demand: Charmin enjoys a loyal customer base that values quality over price. For consumers, the perceived value of Charmin outweighs small price changes, enabling retailers to maintain higher prices without risking sales volumes. 
  • Price Elasticity: Essential items like toilet paper are in demand. Consumers buy them despite minor price fluctuations, giving retailers little reason to alter pricing. This stability ensures steady revenue streams, even during broader economic instability.

Methodology Behind the Findings

Our approach to analyzing these inflationary trends relies heavily on AnthologyAI’s retail dataset and commitment to ethical consumer data practices:

  • Data Collection: The data originates from a consumer panel facilitated through the Caden app, where users share their retail data from Walmart and Target. This panel reflects the diverse demographics of the US Census, ensuring representative insights into consumer behavior.
  • Analysis Techniques: Over 80,000 retail connections were analyzed to track average prices and consumer spending patterns. This comprehensive dataset allowed us to identify significant inflationary trends across different product categories and retailers.


Understanding inflationary trends in household staples like Coca-Cola, Heinz, and Charmin is crucial for financial analysts, marketers, and economists. These products not only reflect consumer behavior but also serve as a window into larger economic forces, from brand loyalty to strategic retail choices. For anyone looking to gain a competitive edge, keeping an eye on these trends is key to navigating future market uncertainties.

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